watched just over an hour of video, from learn how to program in one month, I wish there was a way to speed up the playback.  It seems a little slow but I think this could be great for a total newbie.

Chugging along

Got another 2 hours of studing, working on chp 2 of the Michael Hart ruby on rails tutorial.  My phone and my mobile are working now. My learn how to program in a month class starts tomorrow. I am tired and excited, now it's time for fun at work.

Stuck on lesson 8

Last night we spent 3.5 hours working on the lessons. We got up to lesson  8 and after much effort we realized that there is an error in the tutorial. Unfortuatly we have not fixed the error, but I still feel that we a lot better understanding of ruby.

Group Study session 2

We spent seven hours programming today (Wednesday night and Thursday morning) in our second study group session working on the lessons and finished up to lesson 6 as well as customize the code, by tweaking the speed of the bullets, changing the proximity sensitivity of the bullets, and the maneuverability of the plane Happy Thanksgiving.
This Sunday was my first study group session with Josh Kemp for 3 hours on the
Ruby on Rails Tutorial.

Completed chp 1

Today I spent 3hr and 20 min working up to deploying my first app using Ruby on rails.

My Birthday

Yesterday the the 11th I spent 4 hrs, setting up twitter, blogger, and trying to install ubuntu.
Today the 12th is my birthday and I have spent 3:15 hrs successfully setting up my computer to dual boot ubuntu and win 7, and updated ubuntu. Read up to 1.24 Ruby on Rails Tutorial, and have started installing Ruby on Rails using this site.

It is still downloading stuff, so I will check on it later.