RTanque and the Tank Wars

RTanque is a ruby based Tank duel/war simulator, that I was shown this past week. Creating my own AI for a tank was very addicting. So I have forked and cloned the Repo, to get a closer look on how to modify these tanks. So this week Josh and I will start posting a multi-part tutorial that will take you from a simple dumb tank to a relatively smart tank that can selectively target its prey and avoid targeting allies. Check out this video and screenshot of the game from Rtanque.

This past week has been great, I finished homework 1 part 2 in three hours, However I am still having trouble with homework 1 part 1, which I have completed, except for the ability to successfully transfer the comments from the one to the other without losing them. I am troubled by the autograder, not agreeing with my manual tests, but maybe I'll be able to sort it out easier when I have completely finished the assignment. I watched most of the two previous weeks of video lectures. I pushed up some more of chapter 3 from Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial. I also spent a great deal of time trying to create the 'super' tank in rtanque. Study hours this week was at 26.5 hours, bringing my grand total to 263.25 hours. Pair programed and went to a programming Meetup.

The two Agenda goals that really did not happen, were watching last weeks video lectures and make significant progress in the Uno game. I have set the Uno game on the back burner while I crank out these RTanque Tutorials. I might even try to throw in a short screencast.

My Agenda Goals for this week.

    Complete Homework 1 part 1.
    Catch up on watching the lecture videos.
    Finish pushing up chapter 3 of Michael Hartl Rails Tutorial app.
    Crank out these RTanque Tutorials.

So here again are my Weekly Basic Goals.

    Pair program at least once a week.
    Study a minimum of 21 hours a week.
    Publish my weekly blog by the end of Sunday.
    Share it on Twitter

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