Easter, Breaking 300, and the End of Class

Happy Easter! I completed the Berkeley classes this week. I got the bulk of my weekly agenda goals done. The one I didn't quite get all the way done was watch all the videos lectures. I have one lecture left to watch, and some bonus videos from the course. I racked up 20 hours study time this week, one short of my basic goal, but I still broke 300 hours this week, and I will make it up that hour, this week.

My Weekly Agenda Goals
  1. Publish 2 RTanque Articles
  2. Finish the bonus videos from class and the one lecture on deployment and security.
  3. Spend at Least 6 hours on the Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial.
  4. Create a mockup of what I want the Job application site to look like.
  5. Interview 3 local business owners on
    • Why do they still use paper applications? 
    • What would need to change for them to embrace online applications?
    • What feature would they like to see with online applications? 
  6. Finish the second half of Railscast #155 Cucumber Tutorial Substitutions

This is my plan for my Learning Journey to become an Ruby on Rails Developer this week, till next post.

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