I've been working on making a text to voice program in ruby, and I'm thinking there are basically three ways it could be structured, 1.use a small sound library of individual sounds or phonograms, with a pronunciation guide database, which would concatenate the sounds together to form words as the program runs, or 2. have a large sound library of the most common words, and only use a pronunciation guide database on the less common words. or 3. have a small small sound library with with no pronunciation guide database, and only rules how to pronounce words.  I have also been working on my Ruby homework, which is forcing me to better understand how ruby works. I'm still finding the .each technique of doing iterations a bit uncomfortable but I think it'll eventually make my life easier. I missed doing a post last Sunday so I will mention I studied for 18 hrs that week, and I studied 21.5 hrs this past week. which brings up my total study time to 99 hrs!

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